
 Basic information
Release type: Rolling Patch
Release date: 2008-08-16
OS update support: None
Technote: None
Documentation: None
Popularity: 1548 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 13.1 MB
Checksum: 1892034276

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
File System 5.0 MP1 On AIX 5.2
File System 5.0 MP1 On AIX 5.3
Storage Foundation 5.0 MP1 On AIX 5.2
Storage Foundation 5.0 MP1 On AIX 5.3
Storage Foundation Cluster File System 5.0 MP1 On AIX 5.2
Storage Foundation Cluster File System 5.0 MP1 On AIX 5.3
Storage Foundation for DB2 5.0 MP1 On AIX 5.2
Storage Foundation for DB2 5.0 MP1 On AIX 5.3
Storage Foundation for Oracle 5.0 MP1 On AIX 5.2
Storage Foundation for Oracle 5.0 MP1 On AIX 5.3
Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC 5.0 MP1 On AIX 5.2
Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC 5.0 MP1 On AIX 5.3
Storage Foundation HA 5.0 MP1 On AIX 5.2
Storage Foundation HA 5.0 MP1 On AIX 5.3

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

This patch supersedes the following patches: Release date
5.0MP1RP3 VxFS (obsolete) 2007-11-07

 Fixes the following incidents:
1201436, 1210741, 1269845, 1275511, 1287727, 1292720, 1292723, 1292724, 1292726, 1292727, 1292728, 1292731, 1292732, 1292733, 1292735, 1292736, 1292737, 1292740, 1292741, 1292742, 1292743, 1292744, 1292745, 1292746, 1292747, 1292748, 1292749, 1292750, 1301675, 1318666, 1323336

 Patch ID:

Readme file
Date: 2008-08-14 
OS Version: AIX 5.2/AIX 5.3/AIX 6.1
Etrack Incidents: 1292720, 1292723, 1292724, 1292726, 1292727, 1292728, 1292731, 1292732, 1292733, 1292735, 1292736, 1292737, 1292740, 1292741, 1292742,
1292743, 1292744, 1292745, 1292746, 1292747, 1292748, 1292749, 1292750, 1301675, 1287727, 1318666, 1275511, 1210741, 1269845, 1323336, 1201436

Errors/Problems Fixed:
VxFS 5.x got into live lock in vx_iupdat_msg() due to not inode owner error(e1292720)
Null pointer panic in bcopy via vx_populate_attrdata()(e1292723)
[PRI-3] [290-943-883] [HPUX11.23 IA SFCFS 5.0MP1] [Samsung] takes time for du/bdf to report the same after files are removed(e1292724)
Back out changes to vx_extfree introduced in e544066(e1292726)
records specified with "vxdump -B" will be rounded or wrongly calculated if we specify a big value than 2g(e1292727)
CFS MTS inode leaks - inode allocations do not seem to use partial IAU's(e1292728)
Different df results for fs mounted as CFS comparing to its local mount(e1292731)
Removal of the last named data stream file should remove the named data stream directory(e1292732)
Incorrect use of fse_funmounted flag(e1292733)
CFS cbuf caches consuming too much memory(e1292735)
VxFS 5.0MP1 panic in vx_dnlc_purge_ip() due to deref a NULL d_flhead pointer(e1292736)
CFS-noise.replay exited with run_fsck : Failed to replay cleanly, exiting(e1292737)
Couldn't mount the a vxfs filesystem on aix 5.3 with an EAGAIN error, 'resource temporarily unavailable'.(e1292740)
AIX-5.0MP1RP2c CFS-Noise.replay test aborted with "bin/testit : Failed to replay cleanly, exiting".(e1292741)
CFS default ACL intermittently not inherited correctly(e1292742)
LxRT 5.0MP3 CFS fsqa fcl/misc fcl_write.2 test hits assert f:vx_getmap:4(e1292743)
HP11.23-5.0 CFS stress got f:vx_cwfrz_wait:2 with 5.0A53 build(e1292744)
"odmstat -i N" dies w/ invalid pointer error after 2 interations(e1292745)
AIX-5.0MP1RP3a LM-Conformance -> mount / noatime test failed.(e1292746)
AIX-5.0MP3t LM - Stress+odm test hits assert "vx_msgprint:ndebug" via "vx_bsdquotaquery".(e1292747)
Titan 311-850-669. Infinite loop in bmap/transaction processing during clone removal truncate/push operation.(e1292748)
[PRI-3] [Case 230-456-930] [EDS Australia] VxFS 5.0GA & MP1 - fsadm -b - ioctl(VX_IOCTL | 128) returns EBUSY(e1292749)
[5.0MP3][DBDST][Ora 11gRAC] remove a volume failed which included data(e1292750)
On AIX 6.1, RP5 installation prerequisite check need to be added...(e1301675)
AIX 5.0MP1RP5 CFS-Command "acl" / "vxacl" test hit assert "f:xted_malloc:1a" via "xted_alloc"(e1287727)
stress test goes in "FS busy...sleeping 5" loop(e1318666)
Performance degradation in vx_logbuf_clean seen on AIX even with e1097682 fix(e1275511)
AIX-5.0MP1_61 CFS-Stress test panic with "Data Storage Interrupt - PROC".(e1210741)
AIX-5.0MP3q LM Noise.fullfsck test hit "Illegal Trap Instruction Interrupt in Kernel".(e1269845)
AIX 5.0MP1RP5 LM-noise.fullfsck test panic with "Kernel Abend"(e1323336)
AIX-5.0MP1_61 CFS-Conformance->itimes test failed.(e1201436)

Fixes Applied for Products:
VERITAS File System

Install/Uninstall Instructions:

Patch Installation:

    If the currently installed VRTSvxfs is below level, you
    must upgrade VRTSvxfs to level before installing this patch.

    AIX maintenance levels and APARs can be downloaded from the
    IBM Web site:


    Install the VRTSvxfs. patch if VRTSvxfs is
    already installed at fileset level

    A system reboot is required after installing this patch.

    To apply the patch, first unmount all VxFS file systems,
    then enter these commands:

        # mount | grep vxfs
        # cd <patch_location>
        # installp -aXd VRTSvxfs. VRTSvxfs
        # reboot

Additional Notes: 

If you need to remove the patch, first unmount all VxFS
file systems, then enter these commands:

    # mount | grep vxfs
    # installp -r VRTSvxfs
    # reboot