Date: 2008-06-19 OS: Solaris Sparc OS Version: 8, 9, 10 Packages: VRTSob, VRTSobc, VRTSobgui, VRTSaa, VRTSccg Etrack Incidents: 1166286, 1188947, 1193802, 1194326, 1195958, 1196388, 1196799, 1198143, 1198950, 1200837, 1270751, 1272651, 1132700, 1097838, 933998, 960199, 927279, 960767, 704038, 569795, 616887, 778616, 375835, 616700, 634926, 763511, 646621, 646596, 634926, 610554 109120, 117184, 118894, 119380, 119638, 124067, 124343, 124663, 125270, 125308, 126127, 126985, 127046, 125086, 125487, 110318, 119877, 125067, 100961, 104796, 106518, 109198, 111817, 933998, 960199, 927279, 960767, 850474, 639785, 704038, 783135, 786555, 599429, 599442, 781203, 645022, 700625, 646621, 646596, 618339, 620634, 615285, 610826, 629263, 607077, 615119, 612450, 610000, 617663, 633813, 613171, 626490, 627680, 613529, 626754, 636710, 629209, 612571, 611323, 634682, 627574, 624485, 627717, 607130 119851, 123537, 126755, 116473, 120483, 120734, 121165, 122251, 933998, 960199, 927279, 960767, 765782, 783838, 778389, 591020, 623631, 781366, 769040, 608475, 703295, 700535, 613043, 613571, 594637, 612762, 621221, 629379, 629389, 628617, 633868, 589590, 632972, 618536, 600733, 583319, 616667, 612734, 584000, 613043, 613571 100571, 112179, 103499, 106751, 794077, 101149, 933998, 960255, 960283, 960291, 960767, 627586, 767075, 782969, 618397, 597024, 609699, 620616, 626465, 599352, 633886, 618417, 632048, 617588, 625724, 621792, 610250, 610235, 603446 118463, 103798, 792946, 104183, 112555, 106054, 996244, 106297, 933998, 960255, 960283, 960291, 960767, 767075, 615499 Errors/Problems Fixed: VRTSob (122631-08) Error thrown while stopping vxsvc on Windows (1166286) Modifications for proper parsing of output of ps for WPAR (1188947) WPAR compatibility for VEA patches (1193802) "Warning: bad ps syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See" displayed while stoping vxsvc on SUSE10 (1194326) vxsvc dumps core on Linux & Windows (1195958) Message appeared "vxregctl: queryvalue failed: " during installation of VRTSob while creating WPAR (1196388) After running migration W2k8 (longhorn) server to CS fail, However, the script still show migration successfully (1196799) vxsvc crashing when trying to connect through the java GUI on SFW (1198143) vxpal causes restart of StorageAgent to stop running (1198950) Migrate to Central mode was done successfully but SFMS GUI fails to detect the migrated MH (1200837) "vxsvcctrl start" never returns (1270751) VEA GUI client failed to remote connect to server X64 or IA64 Server (1272651) Memory corruption and core dump due to fixed boundary check (1132700) Rule Manager operations cannot be performed due to incomplete download of a plugin component (1097838) I18N/L10N: SxRT50MP1:[JumpStart issue]VEA patches display warning message (933998) patch 122631-01 jumpstart install failed (960199) L10N SxRT50MP1:"Patch Installation Instructions" in README.122635-01, 122636-01, 123073-01 for 5.0MP1 VEA Lang Patch (927279) patchadd: 123076-01 - ERROR: information for "VRTSobc33" was not found during jumpstart installation (960767) [Security] Need to remove read permissions for others from critical files and logs (704038) WEBGUI:Exceptions are recorded in StorageAgent log for webgui operations (569795) I18N: "vxsvc -r" has linguistic error (616887) ISIS: Requirement for an API that waits for a thread to complete (778616) funny message spewd when entries are missing in resolve.conf (375835) vxfinger output is not properly formatted. (616700) Tasks not displayed in the task log (634926) Vxpal cores while starting/stopping action agent. (763511) vxsvc coring randomly (646621) Vxpal creates core dump. (646596) Tasks not displayed in the task log (634926) StorageAgent failed to register with CMS during MH config (610554) VRTSobc (122632-08) Unable to see objects in VEA GUI (1091201) After CCS5.0 MH installation, pal-get crash on managed host on Windows (1171840) Modifications for proper parsing of output of ps for WPAR (1188947) WPAR compatibility for VEA patches (1193802) Message "VEA vxregctl ERROR V-40-49443-23 File not found" appeared while creating WPAR during VRTSobc33 installation (1196386) After migrating SFW5.1 W2k8 x64 MH to CS, can not see the host in the CS (1240676) core file generated while upgrading LMH1.1 to LMH1.1.1.0. on Solaris sparc (1243434) After installation of obc33 patch in Base+Patch scenario throws ln:cannot create ..pal33/lib/ (1246630) After migrate w2k8 x64 MSCS node1 to CS, vxpal access violation (1252700) With 4.4 version of AT not able to see the domain of unixpwd (1253084) After upgrade from 4.3x to 5.1, Action agent service is started but can not be seen in GUI (1261277) Agent are not being showed in the GUI even though they are in a started state (1269857) NetAppExplorer kept on crashing (1270469) Need to redirect the link message & unlink (1250863) Some VCS package is creating directories in /opt/VRTSobc/pal33/install but not cleaning them on uninstall (1254877) VMDg faults in NIC pull test (1103187) VEA Should provide configurable port range for PBX (1198775) StorageAgent Crashing very frequently during creation of SRL Volume (1250679) The VEA Console does not display devices (1009614) The VEA Server appears unavailable even when it is running while installing the managed host code (1047961) After installing SFM 1.1, the VEA Server appears to hang with its state set as STOP PENDING (1065185) The veainfo command does not display joined or register agents (1091985) Firewall-related issues that lead to communication failure while sending packets to the local host (1118179) I18N/L10N: SxRT50MP1:[JumpStart issue]VEA patches display warning message (933998) patch 122631-01 jumpstart install failed (960199) L10N SxRT50MP1:"Patch Installation Instructions" in README.122635-01, 122636-01, 123073-01 for 5.0MP1 VEA Lang Patch (927279) patchadd: 123076-01 - ERROR: information for "VRTSobc33" was not found during jumpstart installation (960767) leak in Sec_SecureOrbInit() (850474) vxgetinterfaceinfo.exe showing error message vxvea3.dll not found (639785) [Security] Need to remove read permissions for others from critical files and logs (704038) Incorrect user displayed in task log (783135) showing error --'./vxpalctrl: !: not found' when running the command--- ./vxpalctrl -a gridnode -c start (786555) i18n:'vxpal -h' is showing wrong information in the last line when locale is set to--zh_CN.UTF-8. (599429) i18n:The out put of 'veaconfig -c agent_info -a invalidagent' should be localized (599442) Tasks displayed on the wrong CS (781203) [BETA]TahoeDebug-2006-07-13a fail in pre-test due to storage agent failure (645022) In Veaconfig, Spelling Mistake while viewing the List the Users. (700625) vxsvc coring randomly (646621) Vxpal creates core dump. (646596) Coverity fix in csm module (618339) RGD is allowing file downloads without proper security (620634) 'vxsvc' going down when running the command /opt/VRTSob/bin/vxfinger after connecting the host through Javagui. (615285) Veaconfig core dumps while installing VRTSob (not reproducible always) (610826) vxvm service does not start (629263) SxRT 5.0 - while running migration between MH and standalone, vxpal cores dumping (607077) 5.0 OEM:coredump from vxregctl during swinstall of Base-VXVM (615119) HP OEM default configuration has to be HC and should work (612450) corruption in cs_set_az_info() (610000) Do not ship man page (617663) Not showing the output of veainfo & veaconfig. (633813) Too many Exceptions in vm_vxisis log file (613171) Csfi18nGetUMIProductNameFromi18n retruning INVALID ARG (626490) [VCS]: User is not able to probe VVRRVg resource (627680) Failed to get UMI code and error string for VEA error (613529) Coverity issues (626754) Memory leaks discovered in coverity. (636710) Coverity fixes for Reverse_INULL and Forward NULL (629209) vxsvc core dumps (612571) Insecure file permissions at install time (611323) Coverity reported errors of type: FORWARD_NULL and REVERSE_INULL (634682) string_size and buffer_size errors found in coverity. (627574) [JAGag05068] Improperly formatted lines for VRTS in swagent.log for VxVM 5.0 (624485) Action agent dumps when a rule with trap notification is triggered (627717) Critical alert email has empty msg in email (607130) VRTSobgui (122633-08) Pop up a message box warning user if trace level is not at default level (1198518) Search menu item is associate with the wrong agent on Windows (1235378) VEA GUI hangs when connected to VEA server in DC mode (1267559) While connecting to windows stack from any UNIX machine , got some messages on cli. (1164730) Throwing some exceptions while clicking on New Window (1204835) While connecting to JavaGui got error - Download of plug-in component failed (1207340) VEA date format doesn't respect JPN locale settings on Windows (1211650) In High contrast black, split Disk Group get exception (1222516) I18N/L10N: SxRT50MP1:[JumpStart issue]VEA patches display warning message (933998) patch 122631-01 jumpstart install failed (960199) L10N SxRT50MP1:"Patch Installation Instructions" in README.122635-01, 122636-01, 123073-01 for 5.0MP1 VEA Lang Patch (927279) patchadd: 123076-01 - ERROR: information for "VRTSobc33" was not found during jumpstart installation (960767) Command output is not getting displayed correctly in the task log. (765782) [I18N] Non of the hot keys in menu bar working is pseudo langauge pack (783838) Need hyperlink for UMI error messages in Java GUI (778389) L10N: VEA: FRA: Preferences -> Connection, layout issue (591020) I18N SxRT50: Japanese text of the message is truncated when fsppadm command is used (623631) Java/GUI sometimes abreviates "Fetching" to "F..." which can mean several things (781366) Log setting for Task Log & Alert Log should not allow negative values (769040) Exception in javagui (608475) Error 39-53247-3 Error while connecting to Host1 (703295) In Javagui, Verison is Incorrect. (700535) java.lang.NullPointerException when try to delete Replication data set (613043) Connection to CS fails from VEA Java GUI when security =Medium (613571) I18N SxRT50: Java-GUI: Garbled characters on VEA Java GUI launched in LANG=C (594637) JGUI: i18n: Storage Foundation dialogs contain Asian character when preferences set to US (612762) Unable to see description if user sets to high contrast setting (white on black) (621221) LOG Tab Title is junk (629379) One Control Panel Menu Title is Junk. (629389) [MSCS] Add secondary wizard fails to connect to the secondary host (628617) Getting "Hello! Wilson's Testing!" on console (633868) L10N: VEA: FRA: Help: Unlocalised Downloading Help Content dialog (589590) In javagui, about page shows older version of build. (632972) Need UMI codes along with errors in the source code (618536) Icon doesnt update on state change. (600733) L10N: Translated message catalogs need to be checked into the tree (583319) IContainer should have an API to return the exact hostname/ip passed while making a connection using the connection APIs. (616667) IntureptedIOException in javagui (612734) Icon did not change after starting up oracle database (584000) java.lang.NullPointerException when try to delete Replication data set (613043) Connection to CS fails from VEA Java GUI when security =Medium (613571) VRTSaa (123075-06) for Some fields is missing in Email notification from actionagent (1005711) The New Rule window is not displayed in the Java-based interface (1121791) agent watchdog enhancements (1034990) Does not discover array, lun association informations are not populate correctly (1067512) [Usability] Rules page should refresh in case of rule not found errors (794077) After migrating from standalone to managed host, action agent is appearing under joined agents. (1011490) I18N/L10N: SxRT50MP1:[JumpStart issue]VEA patches display warning message (933998) jumpstart install 123075-01 Installed with warning message ; have pre/postscript error (960255) patch 123079-01 jumpstart install have warning message. (960283) jumpstart install 123076-01 have error messages (960291) patchadd: 123076-01 - ERROR: information for "VRTSobc33" was not found during jumpstart installation (960767) In javagui Actionagent, while creating rule, in select actions->Execute command is not working. (627586) SFMS packages dosent list the proper package name in package info. (767075) Remove un necessary logging from action agent (782969) Rule Manager: disable & enable a copied rule will make the notification increased (618397) "ServletException in:/layouts/RightPane.jsp" will display when editing a rule. (597024) setup/remove script should not add or remove everything thru script (609699) Action Agent Fail to load (620616) I18N: Action Agent is not able to input Japanese character on both VEA Java GUI and SFMS Web GUI (626465) Regarding Spelling mistakes and allignment of Actionagent cli. (599352) action agent getting core dump (633886) Coverity Issues (618417) L10N: "Help" buton in the [Mail Settings] dialog shoule be localized. (632048) I18N SxRT50: Rule Manager help is in English for LANG=ja (617588) I18N: The Japanese characters appear as boxes at the Rule Manager. (625724) Cannot Enable/disable a rule from Rule Manager main window (621792) [Accessibility]-In actionagent, while deleting any rule, if u press Esc or "X" button, rule gets deleted. (610250) [Accessibility]- In Actionagent Shortcutkeys are missing in the following scenarios. (610235) New Button on Rule Manager window is smaller is size as compared to Configure Mail button. (603446) VRTSccg (123076-06) gridnode agent is not getting registered on RHEL5 host (1184633) System hangs while rebooting after upgrade from SF 5.0 to SF 5.0MP1 (1037988) The startup message is displayed twice while starting the VEA Server (792946) An error message "Grid could not pull files" is displayed while creating a rule (1041839) A vxpal application error occurs and the grid logon fails while migrating a managed host (1125555) The gridnode agent startup fails with the error message as "Another instance of the Agent gridnode seems to be running." (1060542) VRTSccg patch 123076-03 has script errors (996244) gridnode tracing too much "getrequests (cmds)" (1062974) I18N/L10N: SxRT50MP1:[JumpStart issue]VEA patches display warning message (933998) jumpstart install 123075-01 Installed with warning message ; have pre/postscript error (960255) patch 123079-01 jumpstart install have warning message. (960283) jumpstart install 123076-01 have error messages (960291) patchadd: 123076-01 - ERROR: information for "VRTSobc33" was not found during jumpstart installation (960767) SFMS packages dosent list the proper package name in package info. (767075) Minor memory leaks in gridnode agent (615499) Fixes Applied for Products: Storage Foundation Storage Foundation Cluster File System Storage Foundation for Oracle Storage Foundation for DB2 Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Storage Foundation for Sybase Storage Foundation Manager 1.1 Install/Uninstall Instructions: After untaring the tarball, use the install_vea_rp2 script which will install all the patches in order. To uninstall, use patchrm for uninstallation. Additional Notes: These patches will install on SF5.0 & SF5.0MP1. Please ignore the following error message generated in the patch log file (i.e. /var/sadm/patch//log) "/var/sadm/pkg//save//undo: -- file unchanged compress(1) returned error code 2" This is a known problem refer SUN Incident 4401100 Workaround: Ignore the message. The message indicates that compress(1) could not create an archive that is smaller than the original file. patchrm uses compress(1) to shrink the backout package. No reboot is required after installation or uninstallation of these patches.