Date: 2008-10-17 OS: AIX OS Version: 5.2, 5.3, 6.1 Packages: VRTSvcs Etrack Incidents: 1404384, 1397692 ========================================================================= * * * READ ME - VERITAS CLUSTER SERVER 5.0 MP3 - VCS Engine HOT FIX * * * Patch Date: October 17, 2008 This document provides information for: * POINT PATCH NAME * BEFORE GETTING STARTED * POINT PATCH SUMMARY OF CONTENT * PACKAGES AFFECTED BY PATCH * PATCH'S BASE VERSION * SUPPORTED OPERATING SYSTEMS * LIST OF INCIDENTS FIXED BY PATCH * INSTALLING THE PATCH * REMOVING THE PATCH POINT PATCH NAME ---------------- Name: VCS50MP3HF1 BEFORE GETTING STARTED ---------------------- This patch is for systems running VCS 5.0 MP3 only. If systems are running VCS 5.0MP1 or earlier, you do not need this patch. POINT PATCH SUMMARY OF CONTENT ------------------------------ This point patch contains: README (this file) Patch file (VRTSvcs.rte.bff) PACKAGES AFFECTED BY PATCH -------------------------- VRTSvcs PATCH'S BASE VERSION -------------------- VCS 5.0 MP3 SUPPORTED OPERATING SYSTEMS --------------------------- AIX 5.2, AIX 5.3, AIX 6.1 LIST OF INCIDENTS FIXED BY PATCH ------------------------------------------------- 1404384: HAD crashing when switching over a global group when PreSwitch is TRUE. 1397692: VCS engine clients hang in connect() if the target system is down. INSTALLING THE PATCH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Copy the point patch to a directory on your system: # cp .tar.gz . 2. Unzip the compressed patch files that you want to install & untar: # gunzip .tar.gz # tar -xvf 3. Verify that /opt/VRTS/bin is in your PATH so you can execute all the product commands. Refer to the VCS Installation Guide for more information. 4. Verify that the version of VRTSvcs is 5.0 MP3. On each system, type: # lslpp -l VRTSvcs.rte Output resembles: Fileset Level State Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Path: /usr/lib/objrepos VRTSvcs.rte APPLIED Veritas Cluster Server 5.0MP3 by Symantec 07/20/2008-16:10:15 Build Env:AIX ogma 3 5 0001D4CAD300 IBM, 9115-505 Path: /etc/objrepos VRTSvcs.rte APPLIED Veritas Cluster Server 5.0MP3 by Symantec 07/20/2008-16:10:15 Build Env:AIX ogma 3 5 0001D4CAD300 IBM, 9115-505 5. Stop the cluster on all nodes. From one node, execute the following command. # hastop -all -force Verify that the cluster is stopped on all nodes by running the ha command. # hasys -state On all nodes, stop the VCS CmdServer. Determine the PID of the CmdServer and enter: # kill -9 6. On each node of the cluster, commit filesets that are in the applied state. This step allows you to remove this patch and revert to the previous one, if necessary. a. Find out if the filesets are in applied states. On each system, type: # lslpp -L | grep VRTS The output for a single fileset should be similar to: VRTSvcs.rte A F Veritas Cluster Server The 'A' in the output indicates that the file is applied, but not committed. b. Commit any filesets that are in the applied state. On each system, type: # installp -c For example, for fileset VRTSvcs.rte: # installp -c VRTSvcs.rte c. Verify that the filesets have changed state. On each system, type: # lslpp -L | grep VRTS The output should be similar to: VRTSvcs.rte C F Veritas Cluster Server The 'C' in the output indicates that the file is committed. 8. Change directory to the patch location. # cd 9. Install the patch using the installp command: # installp -aXd VRTSvcs.rte.bff VRTSvcs 10. After installation is complete, verify that the patch is installed on each system. For example, type: # lslpp -L VRTSvcs.rte The following information is displayed after successful patch installation: VRTSvcs.rte A F Veritas Cluster Server 11. At this time, you can start cluster on all cluster nodes. On one node, please verify if VCS configuration is valid. # hacf -verify config If the configuration is valid, start VCS. # hastart On all other nodes, start VCS by issuing hastart once the first nodes goes to LOCAL_BUILD or RUNNING state. REMOVING THE VCS PATCH ---------------------- To remove the patch from a running VCS cluster: 1. Perform step 5 from INSTALLING THE PATCH procedure. 2. Remove the patch using the installp command: # installp -r VRTSvcs.rte 4. Verify that the patch has been removed from each system. For example, type: # lslpp -L VRTSvcs.rte The following information is displayed after successful patch removal: VRTSvcs.rte C F Veritas Cluster Server 5. Restart the cluster by following step 11 from INSTALLING THE PATCH procedure.