Date:2009-03-11 OS:Solaris Sparc OS Version: Solaris 8, 9, 10 Etrack Incidents: 285297, 1235023, 430110, 1314301, 1374927, 1382977, 1368737, 1402144, 1224886, 1288468, 913692, 1412475, 1413700, 1361260, 1418659, 1058665, 1269468, 1399814, 1396470, 1418475, 1421353, 1214355, 1265126, 1457758, 1441003, 1391652, 1463547, 1184280, 1321298, 1373432, 1435470, 1446046, 314738, 1260756, 1458481, 1190522, 1235520, 1469487, 1183283, 1206003, 1471606, 1477143, 1443679 Errors/Problems Fixed: (e285297) This incident will be used to update modinfo and pstamp for ga4_1_maint til Solaris VM 4.1 GAs. (e1235023) V-5-1-4597 vxdg join failed. Transaction aborted waiting for io drain (e430110) VVR: Prevent vol_max_rdback_sz from being set to a value lower than 1MB (e1314301) UBS are having issues with vxlustart in 4.1MP1PP3 (e1374927) vxvm-startup2 doesn"t set VISSWAP flag if swap device is encapsulated and mirrored (e1382977) [NMI Watchdog detected LOCKUP on CPU2: Oracle thread in vxio:voliod_qsio] (e1368737) When there are no mirrors to read, VOL_READ_MIRRORS ioctl returns -1 instead of 1 6742479 (e1402144) Panic in volkio_to_kio_copy due to passing null ptr to bcopy. (e1224886) vxconfigd hangs in volsiowait due to volume serialisation bug. (e1288468) vxconfigd hang in vol_klog_lock as it missed the signal from the vol_klog_unlock (e913692) vxlustart fails with encapsulated boot disk (e1412475) Request to fix e428464 on 4.1MPx (e1413700) [VxVM][281-384-472][LEHMAN BROTHERS] Stale vtoc labels cause vxvm to build is vxdisk lun info wrong. (e1361260) Slow I/O performance with VxFS filesystems on mirror-concat VxVM volumes with DCO and DRL. (e1418659) Jumpstart install of 4.1MP2 & RP3 patches create duplicate entries in /var/svc/profile/upgrade file (e1058665) SOL: vxdiskunsetup fails when disk access name does not match the physical path name (e1269468) [PRI-3] [281-354-914] [EDS] [Sol8 VxVM 4.1MP2RP2] vxconfigd core at dg_import_report_errors() and dg_deport_finis h() 6742479 (e1399814) [VxVM][291-052-758][PACIFICORP] Panic on vxio:put_on_vxvm_hash_arr - VxVM 4.1 MP2 on Solaris 10 sparc (e1396470) vxdmpadm couldn"t disable local disk path (e1418475) Panic in voldiosio_start because find_disk_from_dio returned NULL (e1421353) I/O gets stuck in drl_logbusy queue due to corruption of agenode LRU list (e1214355) Transactions fail after minor no. conflict & temporary remapping of shared vols (e1265126) After a crash or reboot, node fails to re-join cvm cluster (e1457758) vxdiskadm failed to replace removed disk (e1441003) VVR: Secondary panic due to double free of message with TCP protocol and 16 connection. (e1391652) No path disable event and I/O hang occurred when pulled out both paths of A/PG array with 4.0MP2RP8 (e1463547) Persistent vxconfigd core dump on dynamic LUN reconfiguration. (e1184280) vxconfigd CONNECTION FAILED due to VE_BADPROTOV error needs to spit out with more info (e1321298) vxconfigd dumps core after reconnect FC- site and hearbeat links (e1373432) System panic in bcopy() due to null passed in from volioctl_copyin() (e1435470) Cluster nodes panicked in voldco_or_pvmbuf_to_pvmbuf code after installing 5.0MP3 (e1443046) System panic in vxio:voldrl_trans_copy (e314738) vxdg split fails if the cvm master changes (e1260756) vxconfigd core dumps after fix for vxcommands hanging is applied (e1458481) volfmr_copymaps_instant panic on node of cluster during shared and private dg creations (e1190522) 4.1MP2RP4.5_sol:patch sanity with -R, patchadd display error messages & patchrm, followed reboot, stuck to ok prompt, require boot. (e1235520) CVM: vxrecover doesn"t execute "vxvol noderecover" for mirrored volumes with FMR3 DRL 6778439 (e1469487) (bp)->start time is modified as part of error processing. (e1183283) vxconfigrestore -p returns with syntax error (e1206003) Several JumpStart issues exist in various scripts of the VRTSvxvm patch 122058-10. 6793978 (e1471606) Sol: patch/package scripts needs to sync boot archive for sparc as well x86 for 2.10u6. (e1477143) vxconfigd sometimes hung pull and re- attach FC cable CFS env (e1443679) FMR3: I/Os initiating DCO updates for clearing DRL async clear region may not wait for its completion. (e1050108) vxdiskadm_VM_6.0_sol - during root disk encapsulation machine panics Install/Uninstall Instructions: For Solaris 8, 9, and 10 releases, refer to the man pages for instructions on using "patchadd" and "patchrm" scripts provided with Solaris. Any other special or non-generic installation instructions are described below as special instructions. The following example installs a patch on a standalone machine: example# patchadd 124358-xx The following example removes a patch from a standalone system: example# patchrm 124358-xx For additional examples please see the appropriate man pages. Special Install Instructions: ----------------------------- If you are updating using Live Upgrade, a new vxlustart script is provided in scripts/vxlustart. This should be used in place of script from original installation media. Use the shutdown command to reboot the system after installing or uninstalling a patch: # shutdown -g0 -y -i6 For Solaris 10 systems only, before installing this VM patch, install Solaris 10 patch 119254-09 (or later). If a user does not install this Solaris patch, VM installation may fail. Also, without the Solaris patch, the patchrm script will fail for paths beginning with "/". This Solaris patch fixes packaging, installation and patch utilities. [Sun Bug ID 6337009] Download Solaris 10 patch 119254-09(or later) from Sun at If you have patch 124354-02 installed on your system, there are potential issues which could occur if patch 124354-02 is removed after patch 117080-07 is installed. See Sun bug CR 6529882 for details. To ensure that these problems do not occur, do the following in the EXACT order shown here BEFORE installing patch 124358-04: # patchrm 117080-07 # patchrm 124354-02 # patchadd 117080-07 # patchadd 124358-04