Date: 2009-09-29 OS: Solaris Sparc OS Version: 8, 9, 10 Packages:VRTSvcs, VRTSvcsag Etrack Incidents: 1834858 ========================================================================== * * READ ME - VERITAS CLUSTER SERVER 5.0 MP1 - RemoteGroup agent HOT FIX * Patch Date: September 29, 2009 This document provides information for: * POINT PATCH NAME * BEFORE GETTING STARTED * POINT PATCH SUMMARY OF CONTENT * PACKAGES AFFECTED BY PATCH * PATCH'S BASE VERSION * SUPPORTED OPERATING SYSTEMS * LIST OF INCIDENTS FIXED BY PATCH * INSTALLING THE PATCH * REMOVING THE PATCH POINT PATCH NAME ---------------- Name: 5.0MP1HFe1834858 BEFORE GETTING STARTED ---------------------- This patch is for systems running VCS 5.0 MP1. POINT PATCH SUMMARY OF CONTENT ------------------------------ This point patch contains: README (this file) 142609-01 for 2.8 142610-01 for 2.9 142611-01 for 2.10 PACKAGES AFFECTED BY PATCH -------------------------- VRTSvcs, VRTSvcsag PATCH'S BASE VERSION -------------------- VCS 5.0 MP1 SUPPORTED OPERATING SYSTEMS --------------------------- Solaris 8, 9, 10 LIST OF INCIDENTS FIXED BY PATCH -------------------------------- 1834858: Remote Group faults when setup as MonitorOnly and local SG is taken offline INSTALLING THE PATCH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perform the following steps on each node in the cluster. 1. Copy the point patch to a directory on your system: # cp . 2. Unzip the compressed patch files that you want to install: # gunzip *.gz 3. Extract the compressed patch files from the tar files: # tar -xvf 4. Verify that /opt/VRTS/bin is in your PATH so you can execute all the product commands. Refer to the VCS Installation Guide for more information. 5. Stop RemoteGroup agent Check if the agent's process is running on the system # ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep -w RemoteGroupAgent Stop the agent if it is running # haagent -stop RemoteGroup -force -sys Verify that the agent's process is stopped # ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep -w RemoteGroupAgent 6. Change directory to the patch location. 7. Install the patch that corresponds to the version of the OS running: # cd patches # patchadd For Solaris 8, install patch 142609-01. For Solaris 9, install patch 142610-01. For Solaris 10, install patch 142611-01. 8. After installation is complete, verify that the patch has been installed. On each system, type: # showrev -p | grep 9. Restart RemoteGroup agent, if stopped at step 7 # haagent -start RemoteGroup -sys REMOVING VCS PATCH ---------------------------------------------------------------- Perform the following steps on each node in the cluster. 10. Stop RemoteGroup agent same as step 5 11. Remove the patch # patchrm Verify that the patch has been removed. For example, on a Solaris 9 machine, type: # showrev -p | grep 142610 It should not list the patch on this system. 12. Restart RemoteGroup agent, if stopped at step 10 # haagent -start RemoteGroup -sys