Date: 2009-12-08 OS: HP-UX OS Version: 11.23 Packages: Etrack Incidents:1164654, 1274122, 1274138, 1274155, 1274241, 1274243, 1274255, 1360836, 1361304, 1394216, 1409142, 1455184, 1470963, 1501518, 1501593, 1504534, 1504777, 1507982, 1509485, 1514000, 1522342, 1528686, 1542863, 1543470, 1555898, 1557153, 1592476, 1631998, 1632029, 1632058, 1632081, 1636487, 1650957, 1670680, 1719779, 1363314, 1586930 Errors/Problems Fixed: unixvm-cvs: ----------------- e1164654 (795042) vxvmconvert tools needs to be modified to eliminate the use of private LVM headers. e1274122 (828910) Double free of memory in voldg_clean_cpulist() e1274138 (1087073) disk.convert script prints VGs converted list when one or more failed e1274155 (1015605) HPUX11.23/VxVM4.1:Poison nibble: nibble of 0xc in the dmp minor will cause panic e1274241 (1001370) Lun reuse issue not fixed by the DMP backport hotfix e1274243 (1064826) [LINUX TC] scripts/admin/cbr/ gives error "Could not do stat on path /devsdw" e1274255 (972406) Tc /vmtest/tc/scripts/admiAn/vold/ has hung in IA debug . e1360836 (1321272) vxcommands hanging after re-connect the FC-site link e1361304 (1260745) Node is not joining the cluster after reconnect the FC & heartbeat link. e1394216 (1393764) vxconfigd hung on node which is on which try to become master on site2 when FC and haerbeat link is disabled at same time. e1409142 (1361260) Slow I/O performance with VxFS filesystems on mirror-concat VxVM volumes with DCO and DRL. e1455184 (1414336) Disk devices do not appear in vxdisk list, but in vxprint e1470963 (1599295) /vmtest/tc/scripts/support/vxdisksetup/ is FAILED with vxdisksetup on IA e1501518 (1395616) vxdmp for the PGR_PREEMPT command unnecessarily retries on all paths and multiple times incase of RESV_CONFLICT e1501593 (1426480) VOLCVM_CLEAR_PR ioctl does not propogate the error returned by DMP to the caller e1504534 (795129) :HPUX 11iv2:VxVM 3.5 Patch3:DG loses - CVM/VxVM with MC/SG e1504777 (1131566) If a config or klog copy hits an error, vxconfigd should validate and possibly detach the disk e1507982 (1507935) 5.0MP3RP1 Campus Cluster: vxconfigd core dumps when settag set to long sitename e1509485 (1220091) Reduce slave disk re-onlines from SLAVE_DISK_OP_NOTIFY request from master. e1514000 (1458481) volfmr_copymaps_instant panic on node of cluster during shared and private dg creations e1522342 (1269468) Enclosure removed/presented back multiple times, whilst vxconfigd is restarted, core dumps e1528686 (1227106) HxRT SFOR 5.0mp3 PowerPath/DMX : PGR key issues - Uncertain PGR key number and vold_pgr_unregister failed errors e1542863 (1541662) System panicked in DRL code when running flashsnap e1543470 (1159227) HxRT50MP2: Getting core file related to vxesd in SFORAHA stack using combo installer. e1555898 (1068626) Full resync occurred in remaining nodes after SFORAC panic rebooted e1557153 (1729344) vxdg deport hung e1592476 (1543908) While running vxevac command, Oracle process thread stuck into ogetblk() which leads to i/o hang. e1631998 (1397234) Vm command hung consistently during DMP testing on PA machine. e1632029 (1392872) Nodes has panicked on which failover has happened when master TOCed and disable FC and both sites are writing to same volume. e1632058 (1393756) Vxcommands hung on master & slave after FC-site link disconnected e1632081 (1321296) Tc /vmtest/tc/scripts/admin/ispbo/snappr has dumped the core in vxassist. e1636487 (1289510) vxconfigd dumps core during vmcert run and later vm hung e1650957 (1228140) After setting path attribute to active, path state is not updated. e1670680 (1787772) deporting a dg hangs after re-connect the FC site Link e1719779 (1468885) The vxbrk_rootmir script does not complete and is hanging after invoking vxprivutil e1363314 (1260746) Node not joining back with 2min delay in disconnecting FC & heartbeat link e1586930 (1878759) /scripts/kernel/vxdmp/misc/ cause panic on 11.23 IVM Guest machine ================== Fixes Applied for Products: Volume Manager Install And Uninstall Instructions: ---------------------------------- 1. Remove all the UnOfficial patches before installing patch. 2. Install these patches using: $ swinstall -x autoreboot=true -s PHCO_39802 PHKL_39803 3. Please do swverify after installing the patches in order to make sure that the patches are installed correctly using: $ swverify PHCO_39802 PHKL_39803 4. Uninstall the patches using: $ swremove -x autoreboot=true PHCO_39802 PHKL_39803 Additional Notes: 1. The Patches PHCO_39802 & PHKL_39803 can be installed only on a system with 5.0 Base-VxVM installed 2. The Patch PHCO_39802 has a dependency on the 5.0 MP2 vmpro Patch PHCO_38831