Date: 2010-02-24 OS: HPUX OS Version: 11.31 Etrack Incidents: 1498947 Errors/Problems Fixed: PHCO_40887:(MP2RP1 => sfua_uxrt_50_maint) 1498947 : Packaging changes requested for VRTSdbms3 MP2 ---- 1457239 : HXRT-50mp2 : Creation of the patch .psf files for various packages. 1465874 : HxRT5.0MP2: core dump by vxdbd_11.23 during SFRAC stack installation. 1484067 : Checkpoint rollack fails for 1000 tbs for HxRT-5.0MP2-2008-12-11a 1499155 : Improve startup time required (boot time )for DBEDAgent. 1479880 : HxRT 50MP2: incorrect symblic link for 1488323 : dbed_checkconfig gives warning 1522061 : PCH issues Install Instructions ===================== 1) /opt/VRTS/bin/sfua_db_config -o stopdb 2) /opt/VRTS/bin/sfua_db_config -o stopserver 3) ps -ef | grep vxdbms ( DBMS server should not be running ) ##### Install Patch 4) Install DBED patch ##### Steps after installing the patch 5) Change Hostname 6) cd /etc/vxdbms 7) mv VERITAS_DBMS3_ VERITAS_DBMS3_ 8) cd VERITAS_DBMS3_/conf 9) Edit server.conf file to replace old hostname with new hostname at all places. 10) Edit /opt/VRTSdbms3/ and /opt/VRTSdbms3/vxdbms_env.csh files to replace old hostname with new hostname at all places. 11) Edit /opt/VRTSdbms3/bin/servername file to replace old hostname with new hostname at all places. 12) Edit /etc/vx/vxdbed/.odbc.ini to replace old IP address with new, in case of cluster setup do this on all nodes. 13) /sbin/rc3.d/S38vxdbms3 start 14) /opt/VRTS/bin/sfua_db_config -o startdb 15) /opt/VRTS/bin/sfua_db_config -o dbstatus ( To check DB status, repository DB should alive ) 16) Run dbed_update, as mentioned below, for the first time to change the hostname in DBED repository to make DBED functionalities work for checkpoints taken before hostname changes. dbed_update -S -H -o rename, old_node=, new_node= Additional Notes: (optional)