Date: 2010-04-05 OS: HPUX OS Version:11.31 Etrack Incidents: 1839236 Errors/Problems Fixed: 1839236 Unable to create snapshot mountpoint from VEA Fixes Applied for Products: Veritas provider patch Install and Uninstall Instructions: ----------------------------------- 1.Installing FSPRO 5.0-GA-RP1 patch: a)FSPRO 5.0(GA) must be installed before applying these patches. b)To verify the VERITAS file system level, enter: # swlist -l product | egrep -i 'VRTSfspro' VRTSfspro Veritas File System Management Services Provider by Symantec c)To install the patch, enter the following command: # swinstall -x autoreboot=true -s PHCO_40579 Incase the patch is not registered, the patch can be registered using the following command: # swreg -l depot , where is the absolute path where the patch resides. 2.Removing FSPRO 5.0-GA-RP1 patch: a)To remove the patch, enter the following command: # swremove -x autoreboot=true PHCO_40579