Date:2012-05-22 OS: Windows Etrack Incidents: 1742359, 1745851, 2403567, 2479647, 2678120, 2679216, 2683093, 2691372, 2692406, 2698931, 2705973, 2705975, 2713429, 2722392, 2724884, 2742488, 2744472, 2746526, 2780123 Errors/Problems Fixed: 1742359 - Support for Netapp filers running ONTAP 8.x (7 mode) 1745851 - Sorting Pie Chart in the report as per integer value of interval. This will ensure that adjacent time intervals are displayed adjacent in the pie chart 2403567 - For very large reports, report framework might fail to generate report output in certain scenarios 2479647 - Scanner does not scan certain multi-byte share names 2678120 - \filerpath not handled properly in pathdb files for incremental scans 2679216 - Add support for user defined intervals in Data Aging Report 2683093 - Data Insight fails to discover more than 512 shares for an EMC filer 2691372 - Data Insight fails to connect to NetApp filers with ONTAP version 8.1 2692406 - Report output should be sent over email as rather than plain csv to reduce attachment size. Emailing report output from report view was broken 2698931 - DLP API to get the list of monitored shares should return correct msu_type for DFS shares 2705973 - Permission report outputs missing rows producing incomplete output 2705975 - Email zipped outputs for csv and html formats 2713429 - Scaning certain shares could take excessive time in certain scenarios 2722392 - Error processing rename events with special characters for EMC Celerra VNX file servers 2724884 - mxdffscan does not fetch links pointing to winnas and celerra filers 2742488 - Monitored shares report should skip sharepoint and nfs shares 2744472 - 'Path permissions' report does not return expected output when built-in group 'Everyone' is selected as an input 2746526 - DI should periodically purge folders for DLP reports if DLP has not send explicit request to purge those 2780123 - CSV file column values get distorted when comma is present in field values Install/Uninstall Instructions: Apply this rolling patch on all Data Insight servers with version 2.5.2 (2.5RU2) NOTE: Please keep a backup of the Data Insight files in Installation directory. This will be required in case you want to manually rollback the patch. High Level Steps: 1. Apply the rolling patch on Management Server first, followed by all Worker Nodes. 2. Next, apply patch to Windows File Server agents (if applicable). Patching Data Insight Management Server and Worker Nodes: 1. Log onto each server with Administrative privileges. 2. Unzip the patch files to a temporary folder. In this folder, locate the rolling patch installer for the appropriate OS architecture. The installer is called Symantec_DataInsight_windows_252RP1_2_5_2_1789_x64.exe for 64 bit Windows OS and Symantec_DataInsight_windows_252RP1_2_5_2_1789_x86.exe for 32 bit Windows OS 3. Launch the installer executable to install the rolling patch. Patching Data Insight Windows File Server agents: 1. Unzip the patch files to a temporary folder. In this folder, locate the rolling patch installer bundles for Windows File Server agents. The agent bundle is called Symantec_DataInsight_windows_252RP1_2_5_2_1789_x64.exe for 64 bit OS and Symantec_DataInsight_windows_252RP1_2_5_2_1789_x86.exe for 32 bit OS. 2. Log into the Management Console with Server Administrator privilege and upload the agent bundles to the appropriate collector worker nodes using "Agent Uploader" page in the Settings tab. 3. Navigate to Filer details page for each configured Windows File Server in the Settings tab and click on "Upgrade Agent" button available on the top of the page. This option is only visible if you have enabled the option to let Data Insight install/upgrade agent for this filer. 4. Alternately, to manually patch a Windows File Server agent, log onto the Windows File Server machine with Administrative privileges, unzip the agent installer bundle in a temporary location, and launch the patch installer. The patch installer is called Symantec_DataInsight_windows_winnas_252RP1_2_5_2_1789_x64.exe for 64 bit OS, and Symantec_DataInsight_windows_winnas_252RP1_2_5_2_1789_x86.exe for 32 bit OS. Additional Notes: 1. At this time, automated roll back of patch is not supported. To roll back the patch manually: a. Remember to take a backup of original files before you install the rolling patch. b. To roll back the patch, stop all Data Insight services, overwrite the patched files with original files from backup, and restart services. 2. To confirm if a system has been patched, check the version of Data Insight using "Add/Remove Programs" applet in the Control Panel.