Error Code details
Severity: Error 
Component: Storage Foundation Windows 
Cannot complete operation. Connection to remote node disrupted unexpectedly.


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2009-11-11 03:15:36
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

The message indicates that there is a problem with the transmission control protocol (TCP) connection between the local host and the remote host.

Possible causes
- There is a problem with the network that is interfering with TCP communication between the local host and the remote host.
- If the operation is taking a long time to complete, it may be exceeding the timeout value of the Volume Replicator Administrative Service (VRAS) connection.  When this occurs, the waiting host may forcibly close the connection, resulting in this error message.


1. Verify that hosts are able to ping each other and that nothing is blocking ports 4145 (UDP), 2148 (TCP/UDP), 8199 (TCP) or 8989 (TCP)

2. Use the


command to verify that the host names or IP addresses of the computers are listed correctly

3. Increase the VRAS heartbeat timeout value from the default value of 30 seconds to a higher value, such as 90 seconds, and then run the command again
