Error Code details
Severity: Error 
Component: Storage Foundation Windows 
Permission denied for executing this command. Please verify the vxsas service is running in proper account on all hosts in RDS.

This error occurs when an operation that you initiated attempts to contact a remote host, but fails to authenticate with Veritas Volume Replicator Security Service (VxSAS). This happens because any operation that attempts to make configuration changes to a remote host must authenticate using the VxSAS logon account.


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2012-04-26 01:20:11
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

To resolve this issue, verify that the VxSAS service is:

  • Logged in as an account that has administrative privileges to all of the hosts in the replicated data set (RDS).
  • Logged in as the same account on all of the hosts in the RDS.
  • Started on all the hosts within the RDS. Veritas recommends that you use the VVR Security Service Configuration Wizard to configure the VxSAS service if it is not configured.

    You can launch the wizard by running vxsascfg.exe from the Windows command prompt or by performing the following steps:

    1. From the Windows Start menu, select Programs.

    2. Select Symantec.

    3. Select VVR Security Service Configuration Wizard.

If possible, also confirm that you have the appropriate rights in the Log on as a service policy in the local security policies.

  1. Go to the Local Security Policy area.
  2. Navigate to the user rights assignment.
  3. Go to Log on as a service and add the appropriate administrator or administrative rights.

Determine if these steps resolve the issue.