Error Code details
Severity: Error 
Component: Storage Foundation Windows 
This operation is invalid in current configuration state.

During Volume Replicator (VVR) related operations, this error can occur when you:

  • Perform operations on an rlink that requires a disconnect/pause state.
  • Perform the following operations on an RVG:
    • Operations that require an RVG without any attached RLINKs (setting primary=true).
    • Recover an RVG in Pass Thru mode.
    • Check start/end on a non-primary RVG.
    • Resync an RVG that has no Storage Replication Log (SRL) or no data volumes or no RLINKS.


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Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2015-08-12 00:49:35
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

Change the configuration (for example, pause the rlink before you edit the remote host IP address) or recreate the replication.