Error Code details
Severity: Critical 
Component: Cluster Server 
VxFEN driver not configured. VCS Stopping.

The message is displayed when the value of the UseFence attribute is set to SCSI3 and when the high availability daemon (had) process is started with the fencing driver not configured. The had process exits and is restarted by the hashadow process.


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2012-12-16 06:30:35
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

To determine why the fencing driver was not configured, see the /var/VRTSvcs/log/vxfen/vxfen.log file. This log contains the error message in case there is an error in the fencing configuration. 

Configure the fencing driver, and then if required, start Veritas Cluster Server (VCS). For more information about fencing configuration, see the Veritas Cluster Server Administrator's Guide.