Error Code details
Severity: Critical 
Component: Cluster Server 
VxFEN driver not configured. Retrying...

If the cluster-level UseFence attribute is set to SCSI3 so that the VCS high availabililty daemon (HAD) uses SCSI3 fencing for arbitration in case of split-brain, HAD tries to register with the VxFen kernel driver. If the registration fails with an error, HAD assumes that the fencing driver has not completed its configuration. In that case, HAD sleeps for some time and then tries registering with the fencing driver again. The maximum number of tries is 90 (90 seconds) after which HAD gives up registering with the fencing driver and exits.


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2010-12-30 01:55:16
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

If you do not need fencing, and you are sure there is no danger of data corruption, run VCS without it.


Caution: Veritas does not recommend running the VCS cluster without the fencing driver configured. Running VCS without fencing can cause data corruption.


To run VCS without fencing:

  1. In the file, set the cluster-level UseFence attribute to NONE. Enter:

  2. Restart VCS. Enter:


If you want to use fencing to protect against data corruption, make sure to set UseFence="SCSI3".


If the fencing module has not completed its configuration, wait for the configuration to complete. If the number of retries has been reached and VCS has exited, check if there is an issue with the VxFEN fencing driver.


To verify that the VxFEN driver is running and configured:

  1. Enter the following:

    /sbin/gabconfig -a
  2. Verify that port b is displayed in the command output.

    If it is displayed, the VxFEN driver is running and configured.

    If it not displayed, the VxFEN driver is not running, and you must configure it. See the Veritas Cluster Server Administrator's Guide.

If the fencing driver is configured properly but you still get the above error, report it to Veritas Technical Support.