Error Code details
Severity: n/a 
Component: Cluster Server 
Agent(s) for group %s failed on system %s


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2009-12-02 22:46:44
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic
When attempting to right click on a clustered Service Group and select the Switch command (or doing so manually through the Command Line Interface), the Service Group fails to switch and the error V-16-1-10195 'Cannot perform switch' is displayed.

There are several causes to this rare issue. The issue is generally caused by the failure of a specific agent on the node the service group is being switch to.

To find the failed agent, simply run the following command through the Command Line Interface:

hastatus -sum

At the bottom of the output, a heading can be seen called, 'Failed Agent'. Below this is a list of all agents that have failed to start on the node.
In this situation, the agents simply need to be restarted. This can be done through two methods:

1) Issuing a command of    hastop -local -force  and then hastart should restart the agents, but will also restart all cluster services on that node only. Production service groups should not be online on this node when these commands are ran.

2) Issuing a command of    haagent - stop <agent> -force -sys <system name> followed by   haagent - start <agent> -sys <system name>  where <agent> is the name of the failed agent, should restart the agent properly. Again, it is suggested that any production Service Group not affected by the failed agent be moved to another clustered node in order not to disrupt production itself.