Error Code details
Severity: Error 
Component: Cluster Server 
Agent %s for resource %s failed on system %s

The message is displayed when the requested operation cannot be completed due to a failed agent.


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2012-03-06 08:39:29
Platform: Generic
Release: 5.1SP1

To restart the failed Agent:


  1. Check the value of the AgentFailedOn attribute of the corresponding Type by the following command:

#hatype -display Type -attribute AgentFailedOn

The value indicates the system, on which the Agent has failed.


  1. Check if the Agent process is running on the specified system by the following ps command:

 #ps -ef | grep Agent


  1. If you can’t find the Agent process in the output, which means it is not running, then start the Agent by:

 #haagent -start agent -sys system

After you start the Agent,  retry the operation.


  1. If you find the Agent process in the output, which means it is running, please contact Veritas support for further assistance.

Before the contact, you should collect the VRTSexplorer output.