Error Code details
Severity: Information 
Component: Cluster Server 
VxFEN race policy is %s

This message displays the VxFEN race policy that is set in the cluster. The message is displayed when fencing is configured in the cluster. If preferred fencing is disabled, the default VxFEN race policy is count. In this case, you see this message:

VCS INFO V-16-1-10377 VxFEN race policy is count

If preferred fencing is enabled, by setting the cluster attribute PreferredFencingPolicy, VxFEN race policy is set to weight. In this case, you see this message:

VCS INFO V-16-1-10377 VxFEN race policy is weight


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Last Modified: 2012-11-21 00:36:01
Platform: Generic
Release: 5.1SP1

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