Error Code details
Severity: Notice 
Component: Cluster Server 
Group %s will not start automatically on System %s as the system is not a part of AutoStartList attribute of the group.

When ​Veritas Cluster Server (VCS) starts up on a system, say node A, it only brings online the service groups which have node A in their AutoStartList attribute. If node A is not present in the AutoStartList attribute of a service group, but is present in the SystemList of this service group, then this message is displayed to indicate the group can’t start automatically upon VCS startup. But you can manually bring the group online as needed after the VCS startup.


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2013-09-11 07:56:57
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

If you intend to bring the group online when VCS starts up on a system, you can add the system to the AutoStartList attribute of the group. If you do not intend this, you can ignore the message. It is just informational.