Error Code details
Severity: Critical 
Component: Cluster Server 
Monitor hung for disk group cidbdg. Halting the system.

This message displays when the DiskGroup agent monitor entry point times out. That is, if the entry point doesn’t finish in the specified timeout value, this message appears. The default timeout value is 60 seconds.

The FaultOnMonitorTimeout parameter defines the consecutive attempt number of the disk group resource. If the specified threshold value is exceeded, the agent calls the clean entry point. The default value of FaultOnMonitorTimeout is 4. If the agent calls clean and you set PanicSystemOnDGLoss to 1, the DiskGroup agent clean entry point halts the system.


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Last Modified: 2011-07-30 02:29:53
Platform: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 (x86-32), Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 (IA-64), Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 (x86-64)
Release: 5.0MP3

If you don’t want the system to halt during the monitor timeout, set PanicSystemOnDGLoss to 0.