Error Code details
Severity: Information 
Component: Cluster Server 
Out of all clusters in RUNNING state, local cluster has exclusive Authority for group %s

This is an informative message. The message is displayed in case of multi-cluster service group configurations (Global Clusters). It indicates which cluster has the right to bring a global service group online. In a global service group only one cluster can have the authority to bring the global service group online.

In a global cluster setup, VCS ensures that multi-cluster service group operations are conducted serially to avoid timing problems and to ensure smooth performance. The Authority attribute of a service group prevents the service group from coming online in multiple clusters at the same time. Authority is a persistent service group attribute and it designates which cluster has the right to bring a global service group online.

If the attribute value is set to 1, the local cluster is allowed to bring the service group online.

The attributes Authority and AutoStart work together to avoid potential concurrency violations in multi-cluster configurations. If the AutoStartList attribute is set, and if a group’s Authority attribute is set to 1, the VCS engine waits for the wac process to connect to the peer. If the connection fails, it means the peer is down and the AutoStart process proceeds. If the connection succeeds, HAD waits for the remote snapshot. If the peer is holding the authority for the group and the remote group is online (because of takeover), the local cluster does not bring the group online and relinquishes authority. If the Authority attribute is set to 0, AutoStart is not invoked.


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Last Modified: 2013-12-28 06:49:41
Platform: Windows Server 2003 (x86-64), Windows Server 2003 (IA-64), Windows Server 2003 (x86-32), Windows Server 2008 (x86-64), Windows Server 2008 (IA-64), Windows Server 2008 (x86-32), Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016
Release: Generic

This is an informative message. No action is required.