Error Code details
Severity: Error 
Component: Cluster Server 
vxamf_register failed for OFFLINE: reaper <%s>, block_device <%s>, mount_point <%s> and fs_type<%s> and errno set is <%s>

This message is displayed when Mount agent fails to register resource for Offline monitoring with Asynchronous Monitoring Framework (AMF) kernel driver.


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2013-01-22 06:00:42
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

To solve this issue, do the following:


  1. Run amfstat to check whether AMF kernel driver is loaded.
  2. If AMF driver is already loaded, run amfconfig -p dbglog to check the AMF debug log for detailed description and solution of the AMF errors.
  3. If AMF driver is not loaded, choose from the following platform-specific commands to load AMF driver.

    amf.rc start (AIX)

    service amf start (HP-UX and Linux)

    svcadm enable amf (Solaris)


For more information on AMF driver, see the following sections in Veritas™ Cluster Server Administrator's Guide:

Administrating AMF kernel driver

Troubleshooting Intelligent Monitoring Framework

About AMF tunable parameters


Note: These links points to the release 6.0.1, Linux platform version of the product guide. For the product guide for your release and platform, go to the Documents page on the SORT Website.