Error Code details
Severity: Error 
Component: Cluster Server 
Cannot stat mountpoint %s, returning offline

This message is displayed when the mount agent monitor entry point fails to access to the specified mount point. The mount agent monitor entry point calls the statvfs64() function to verify whether the mount point is accessible or not. If not, the mount agent  monitor entry point returns the resource state as OFFLINE with the message.


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2012-10-17 09:27:24
Platform: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (x86-64)
Release: 6.0

The solution works for all Linux platforms.


To solve the problem, verify that the mounted file system is not in disabled state and is accessible. You need to perform some write operation on the mounted file system. For example:


#touch mountpoint/sample.txt


If the system return an I/O error, you can judge that the file system is in disabled state. You need to find more details in the syslog and resolve it accordingly.