Error Code details
Severity: Error 
Component: Cluster Server 
Resource <resource_name> is not yet probed. Do you want to retry?

This message is a generic error that may appear for any application configuration wizard. The wizard keeps probing for the resources that it has created, and displays this error if a resource is not probed within a certain time.


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Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2012-05-23 18:11:41
Platform: Windows Server 2003 (x86-64), Windows Server 2003 (IA-64), Windows Server 2003 (x86-32), Windows Server 2008 (x86-64), Windows Server 2008 (IA-64), Windows Server 2008 (x86-32), Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016
Release: Generic

Creating a service group does not depend on successfully probing resources. Some resources might take longer when the wizard probes them for the first time. You may skip the probe operation and proceed to finish creating the service group. Later, you can try to bring the service group online.