Error Code details
Severity: n/a 
Component: Cluster Server 
VCS Error: Error V-16-13-4367 during Exchange Wizard Setup Validations Following IIS Services are not installed: - SMTPSVC - NNTSVC


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2009-11-11 06:41:08
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic
ExchInstaller Log
2007/03/21 12:05:40 VCS INFO V-16-13-10017
2007/03/21 12:05:40 VCS INFO V-16-13-10007 VCSE2KConfig home key does not exist.
2007/03/21 12:05:52 VCS ERROR V-16-13-10029 Service POP3SVC is not installed.
2007/03/21 12:05:53 VCS ERROR V-16-13-10024 IIS is not installed.

This error appears because the SMTP and NNTP Services are not installed on the system. The following IIS, SMTP, NNTP ASP.NET and WWW Services must install before install Microsoft Exchange Server. To resolve this VCS error, follow these steps:

1. Close the Exchange Setup Wizard for Veritas Cluster Server
2. Open Add/Remove Windows Components via Windows Add or Remove Programs
3. Select Application Server
4. Click Details
5. Select Internet Information Services (IIS)
6. Click Details
7. Select NNTP and SMTP Services
8. Click OK
9. Rerun the Exchange Setup Wizard