Error Code details
Severity: n/a 
Component: Cluster Server 
All the available network cards are used for VCS private link heartbeat on the following system(s). Choose one of the link as Low Priority link by right clicking on the Network Card in the tree view. Low priority link network card can be used for a public network connection


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2009-11-10 02:33:33
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic
  • Status code V-16-15-650 is reported while running VCW (Veritas Cluster Wizard)
  • ERROR: "All the available network cards are used for VCS private link heartbeat on the following system(s). Choose one of the link as Low Priority link by right clicking on the Network Card in the tree view. Low priority link network card can be used for a public network