Error Code details
Severity: Information 
Component: Cluster Server 
Resource(%s) - clean completed successfully.

This message appears when the Clean entry point completes successfully. The Clean
entry point is called for several reasons, including:

  • The agent attempted to bring the resource online, but could not do so within the expected time.
  • The online entry point executed successfully but the resource is not online.
  • The resource went offline unexpectedly.
  • Successive invocations of the monitor entry point did not complete within the expected time. Successive invocations of the monitor procedure depend on the value of the FaultOnMonitorTimeout attribute.
  • The agent attempted to take the resource offline but could not do so within the expected time.
  • The offline entry point executed successfully but the resource is not offline.


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Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2009-09-29 22:26:53
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

Analyze the agent log or engine log to determine the reason why Clean was called and take appropriate action.