Error Code details
Severity: n/a 
Component: Cluster Server 
Resource (%s) received unexpected event %s in state %s

Links 0 and 1 are both connected to the same switch, resulting in a cross-link scenario.

This message appears when agents receive an unexpected command. The following messages may appear:

Resource (res) received unexpected event flush in state Detached
Resource (res) received unexpected event info in state GoingOffline
Resource (res) received unexpected event info in state GoingOnline
Resource (res) received unexpected event info in state GoingOfflineWaiting
Resource (res) received unexpected event start in state GoingOfflineWaiting
Resource (res) received unexpected event start in state GoingOnlineWaiting
Resource (res) received unexpected event start in state Offline
Resource (res) received unexpected event start in state Online
Resource (res) received unexpected event start in state Probing
Resource (res) received unexpected event flush in state Probing

These are expected log messages.


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2010-06-05 00:10:49
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

Check the agent log, and if you see any messages that are not on this list, contact Veritas support.