Error Code details
Severity: n/a 
Component: Cluster Server 
Resource(%s): Attribute (%s) does not belong to this resource


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2008-12-04 10:07:21
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic
    If this message appears, it means one of the following:

  • Description: A resource r1 of type T1 has a type-specific attribute of the form "TRN:Attr" in its ArgList to use the dependent attributes feature in VCS.

    TRN is expected to be another non-static attribute for Type T1 and its value is expected to be set to the name of another resource r2. The r2 resource is expected to have an attribute Attr. Resource r1 uses the Attr value.

    With this mechanism, r1 can access r2's attribute value, where the attribute is Attr. If TRN:Attr exists in the ArgList but attribute TRN does not exist in T1's type-definition, you see this message.

    This situation should not arise if the type-definition is correctly installed.

    Recommended Action:Fix the type-definition to add a non-static attribute and set its value appropriately.

  • Description: A resource r1 of type T1 has a type-specific attribute "Attr" in its ArgList. The Attr, however, does not exist as a non-static attribute for type T1. This situation should not arise if the type-definition is correctly installed.

    Recommended Action:Action: Fix the type-definition to add a non-static attribute and set its value appropriately.

  • Description: A type-generic non-static attribute (for example ResourceInfo) does not exist for a type.

    Recommended Action:Action : Escalate to engineering.