Error Code details
Severity: Information 
Component: Cluster Server 
Unable to connect securely to steward at %s

This error is displayed when you attempt to establish inter-cluster communication after upgrading the security to 2048 bit encryption key and SHA256 certificates.

During the upgrade, the vcsauthserver gets 2048 bit SHA256 certificates and the trust information gets deleted, which breaks the communication between cluster and Steward.


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2015-12-14 00:48:16
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

Reestablish the trust relationship between cluster and Steward.

  • Setup trust for each node at cluster side and for each node at Steward side.

Perform the steps given under Re-establishing trust with Steward after upgrading to 2048 bit key and SHA256 signature certificates section in the VCS Configuration and upgrade guide.


Note: VCS versions lower than 6.0.5 will not communicate with VCS 7.1 even after setuptrust. You must upgrade to VCS 6.0.5 or above on clusters running VCS versions lower than 6.0.5.