Error Code details
Severity: Warning 
Component: File System 
vx_attr_getblk - mount_point file system inode inumber marked bad in core

When inode information is no longer dependable, the kernel marks it bad in memory. This is followed by a message to mark it bad on disk as well unless the mount command ioerror option is set to disable, or there is a subsequent I/O failure when updating the inode on disk. No further operations can be performed on the inode.


The most common reason for marking an inode bad is a disk I/O failure. If there is an I/O failure in the inode list, on a directory block, or an indirect address extent, the integrity of the data in the inode, or the data the kernel tried to write to the inode list, is questionable. In these cases, the disk driver prints an error message and one or more inodes are marked bad.


The kernel also marks an inode bad if it finds a bad extent address, invalid inode fields, or corruption in directory data blocks during a validation check. A validation check failure indicates the file system has been corrupted. This usually occurs because a user or process has written directly to the device or used fsdb to change the file system.


The VX_FULLFSCK flag is set in the super-block so fsck performs a full structural check the next time it is run.


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Last Modified: 2011-01-08 01:11:05
Platform: Solaris 10 (SPARC), Solaris 10 (x86-64)
Release: 5.0MP1

Check the console log for I/O errors. If the problem is a disk failure, replace the disk. If the problem is not related to an I/O failure, determine how the disk became corrupted. If no user or process is writing to the device, report the problem to your customer support organization. In either case, unmount the file system. The file system can be remounted without a full fsck unless the VX_FULLFSCK flag is set for the file system.


For more information on this message, see