Error Code details
Severity: Warning 
Component: Storage Foundation for Windows Dynamic Multipathing Option 
Device (%2,%3,%4,%5) is removed from array %6 of %7


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2009-11-10 03:00:15
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

V-218-40960-12 - Device (%2,%3,%4,%5) is removed from array %6 of %7

Possible causes

MPIO has notified DSM that a scsi Lun is removed from the system


  • Solution

    Check to see if any HBA failure.  Ignore if there is no failure and number of DSM path(s) is/are shown correctly. (sometimes, during system start up, system can initialize the disk, so device can go and come back to the system)

    Note: a SCSI LUN with  Scsi information (port, path, target, LUN) has been removed the array under  the DSM due to path removal or system device re-initialization.