Error Code details
Severity: Error 
Component: File System 
Input/output error

This message states there is an input/output error.


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2011-01-08 01:21:12
Platform: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (x86-32), Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (x86-64), Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (POWER)
Release: 5.0MP3
Solution 2 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2012-08-10 19:30:49
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

This error may appear in different situations. If you get this message after you use the cfsmount command, collect the following data and contact the Veritas Technical Support to solve this problem:


  • The states of the Volume Manager devices you try to mount
  • The strace (for Linux and similar logs for other platforms) output of the mount command
  • The complete error log of the cfsmount command


For other scenarios involving the Input/Output error, please contact the Veritas Technical Support.