Error Code details
Severity: Error 
Component: Hardware Abstraction Layer for Management Products 
Failed to correlate vail disks with ddl paths

This message displays when the correlation between the array virtual disks and the Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) device paths cannot be established. Objects of type vrts_ddl_path or those discovered by array provider are not found.


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2012-03-16 09:22:08
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

You can rectify this issue following the steps below, if you don’t use Veritas Flashsnap Agent For Symmetrix (VxFAS), i.e., if you don’t use any of the vxsym commands for example:











  1. To disable VxFAS, run the following command:

                # /opt/VRTSvxtf/utils/ -u delete_stub


                Then, you can see output of the command as below:

                Deleting VxFAS provider from VEA Registry ...

                Deleting VxFAS provider client extension from VEA Registry...

                Deleting VxFAS provider message catalog from VEA Registry ...

                VxFAS entries removed from VEA Registry ...

                Removing log file /etc/vx/emc.d/tfs_server.log

                Restoring stub libarray.

                Could not restore stub libarray

                Unconfiguring Symmetrix provider.

               The Symmetrix provider is now enabled in VAILAgent. If Storage Foundation for Databases is

               installed and you want to use deep mapping,

               see Veritas Array Configuration Guide for instructions on configuring Symmetrix provider.

               Removed VRTSfas from the Veritas Enterprise Administrator Registry.


  1. Run this command to restart StorageAgent to complete this change:

                # /opt/VRTSobc/pal33/bin/vxpalctrl -a StorageAgent -c restart


If this issue persists or you use VxFAS when you see this error message, contact Veritas support. You may need to provide the output of the VRTSexplorer command.