Error Code details
Severity: Warning 
Component: Data Insight 
Index error files present for filer . Or Index error files present for web application .

This warning message is displayed when a Data Insight Indexer node fails to process the scan and the audit files it receives from a Collector node. The Indexer node moves the unprocessed scan and the audit files  to the following location on the Indexer node:


For a Windows Indexer, the default location of data directory is C:\DataInsight\data.

For Linux Indexer, the default location of the directory is /DataInsight/data.


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2015-08-08 00:06:19
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

Technical Support must investigate the relevant evidence to know the root cause.

To collect the relevant logs and evidence:

  1. From the Data Insight Management Console, navigate to:
    • In case of a file server, Settings > Filer.
    • In case of a web application, Settings > SharePoint Web Applications.
  2. On the listing page, locate the filer or the web application that is mentioned in the warning message.
  3. Click Select Action > Download Logs for the filer or the web application that you want to troubleshoot.
  4. On the Download Logs pop-up, select Error files.
  5. Click OK. Data Insight downloads the Indexer log files along with the relevant scan or audit files to a compressed folder.
  6. Send the compressed folder to Technical Support for further analysis.