Error Code details
Severity: Error 
Component: Data Insight 
Active Directory scan failed due to corrupt users database. Please remove users.db.N file from $data/users folder and re-scan Active Directory

This message is displayed in the Data Insight Events page on the Data Insight Management Console when the Active Directory (AD) scan process (adcli.exe) cannot open or update users database because the database is corrupt.

This error may be caused by an incomplete scan as a result of killing Active Directory scan process. For example, an upgrade performed during an Active Directory scan kills the Active Directory scan process, which in turn may result in a corrupt database.


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Last Modified: 2014-05-07 22:39:40
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

In the datadir\users directory (by default, the data directory is at C:\DataInsight\data), delete the users database (users.db.n) and run the scan again.