Error Code details
Severity: Error 
Component: Operations Manager 
No valid host available for object(s) {0} to execute this operation. One of the following may have happened: - Cluster is either in offline, admin wait or faulted state - All cluster nodes are either in offline, admin wait or faulted state - All cluster nodes are not reporting to the central server (xprtld process may be down) - Managed host version is less than {1} on all cluster nodes Please check and try again.

This message is displayed when there is no valid host to perform the operation. The message describes the possible causes for the error.


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2012-08-07 17:49:33
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

The solution varies depending on the cause of the error. You can check:

  • If the cluster is not in an Offline, Admin Wait, or Faulted state
  • If the nodes in the cluster are reporting to the Central Server
  • If the Xprtld process is running on the cluster nodes (which are reporting to the domain)
  • If the nodes are not offline or faulted