Error Code details
Severity: Error 
Component: Enterprise Administrator 
Failed to perform the operation.

This error message displays for operation failures of the User Management feature in Storage Foundation Manager. Depending on the failure, the message is appended with more specific information.


The following section describes the messages, causes, and solutions for failures in the Add User, Delete User, and Reset Password operations.


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2010-10-26 23:05:42
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

Add User operation

Error Message: Failed to perform the operation. Add user Failed.

If you are adding a user in an existing public domain

This message appears if you enter a user name which does not exist in the public domain.

Solution: Make sure that you enter a valid user name from the public domain.

If you are adding a user in private domain or public domain

This message appears if you enter a user name which is already mapped to a role.

Solution: Make sure you enter a user name which is not mapped to a role.

Delete User operation

Error Message: Failed to perform the operation. Delete user Failed.

If you are deleting a user in private domain

This message displays if you select a user from the list which is not in the private domain.

Solution: Make sure that the user is not accidentally removed from the private domain.

Reset Password operation

Error Message: Failed to perform the operation. Reset Password Failed.

This message displays if you enter an incorrect old password.

Solution: Make sure that you enter the correct old password.


Note:  This solution is specific to resetting the password for users in the private domain only. You cannot reset the password of a user from the public domain.