Error Code details
Severity: Information 
Component: Storage Foundation 
Usage: vxpal -h --help | -v --version | -a --agent AGENT [ [-f --foreground] [ -c --control-command CONTROL_CMD [-u --user-id USER@DOMAIN_NAME.DOMAIN_TYPE] [-p --password PASSWORD] -l --host HOST [ -d --domain AGENT_DOMAIN | -e --port PORT ] [-s --service SERVICE ] ] ] Options: [-v --version] version number. [-h --help] help. shows this message. [-a --agent AGENT] name of the agent. [-f --foreground] forground process. [-u --user-id USER@DOMAIN_NAME.DOMAIN_TYPE] user security identity information. [-p --password password] security password. [-c --control-command stop|kill|status|looksalive|isalive|settracelevel=] control command for the agent. stop: stops the server cleanly. kill: stops the server abnormally. (exit 0). status: queries the state of the agent. looksalive: is service looks alive shallow check settracelevel=: sets trace level [1-6]. 10 to stop trace isalive: is service alive - deep check [-l --host host] hostname where the agent is running. [-d --domain agent_domain] domain which the agent has joined. [-e --port port] port number on which the agent is running. [-s --service service] service (provider) on that agent to be queried. should be used with 'status' control_cmd.


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