Error Code details
Severity: Error 
Component: Storage Foundation 
The system could not complete your request due to an internal error. Required information was not available on the system.

This message can display  for several reasons.

A frequent example is that an object type is requested to be fetched, but it is not in the object bus. Errors with hex value 0xC1000036 are written to the log. In such cases, check the object type being requested.


Also, this message appears when the Veritas Enterprise Administrator (VEA) admin user (or any other user which performs administrator tasks using VEA) has insufficient privileges.


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2011-06-11 01:24:14
Platform: Solaris 9 (SPARC)
Release: 5.0MP3
  1. In the /etc/vx/isis/Registry file, insert a forward slash (/) between etc and the trailing file name in the InterfaceFormFILE and SecurityFormFILE entries:

    "InterfaceFormFILE" = "/opt/VRTSdbcom/etc/interfaceform.xml";

    "SecurityFormFILE" = "/opt/VRTSdbcom/etc/securityform.xml";
  2. Restart the DBED Agent.
Solution 2 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2011-06-11 01:21:58
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

This message appears when Veritas Enterprise Administrator (VEA) admin user (or any user who performs administrator tasks using VEA) has insufficient privileges.


To solve this problem, enter:

/opt/VRTS/bin/pal33/veaconfig -c add_user -o hostname -r Administrator -n vea-username@hostname.unixpwd -g


When the user has administrator privileges and the system is upgraded from a previous version of VxVM, the command may fail. In this case, the user is not necessarily the root user or the administrator user of the system. To fix it, use the following procedure:

  1. Back up the /etc/vx/isis/securityform.xml file.
  2. Edit the /etc/vx/isis/securityform.xml file and add the Administrator entry as below:

    # tail /etc/vx/isis/securityform.xml




    <INTERFACE_PACKAGE_LIST AssignedGroup="SE_SYSTEM_MANAGER" InterfacePackageListId="{6944bea8-55f6-4fdf-b664-7ebc91899de2}"/>

    <INTERFACE_PACKAGE_LIST AssignedGroup="SE_DOMAIN_MANAGER" InterfacePackageListId="*"/>
    <INTERFACE_PACKAGE_LIST AssignedGroup="Administrator" InterfacePackageListId="*"/>

    <INTERFACE_PACKAGE_LIST AssignedGroup="Operator" InterfacePackageListId="{f36e4100-5630-4a47-8f35-e70959f54289}"/>
    <INTERFACE_PACKAGE_LIST AssignedGroup="Guest" InterfacePackageListId="{835df81e-a551-4c76-9dce-504e48c5aa96}"/></INTERFACE_PACKAGE_LISTS_SECURITY>

  3. Restart the GUI agents.

    # pwd


    # ./S760vxpal.actionagent stop

    Stopping VEA actionagent Service (VRTSaa)


    # /etc/init.d/vxpal.StorageAgent stop

    Stopping Veritas StorageAgent

    # ./S750vxpal.gridnode stop

    NOTE: Stopping VERITAS gridnode

    # ./S73isisd stop

    Stopping Veritas Enterprise Administrator Service (vxsvc)

    VEA Server was shutdown successfully

    # vxsvc -m

    Current state of server : NOT RUNNING

    # ./S73isisd start

    Starting Veritas Enterprise Administrator Service (vxsvc)

    # ./S750vxpal.gridnode start

    NOTE: Starting VERITAS gridnode

    # /etc/init.d/vxpal.StorageAgent start

    Starting Veritas StorageAgent

    # ./S760vxpal.actionagent start

    Starting actionagent (VRTSaa)

    # vxsvc -m

    Current state of server : RUNNING

  4. Run this command:

    /opt/VRTS/bin/pal33/veaconfig -c add_user -o hostname -r Administrator -n vea-username@hostname.unixpwd –g


    Products Applied:

    Enterprise Administrator 3.3.721.0, 3.3.767.0


    Operating Systems: 


    10, 10 (32-bit), 10 (64-bit), 10 (x86), 10 (x86_64), 8 (x86), 8.0, 8.0 (32-bit), 8.0 (64-bit), 9 (x86), 9 (x86_64), 9.0, 9.0 (32-bit), 9.0 (64-bit)