Error Code details
Severity: Error 
Component: Oracle Disk Manager 
Mirror number too large for given offset

This message indicates that the specified mirror number does not exist for a particular file.

This message appears when Oracle Disk Manager (ODM) gets VX_ODM_ENOMIRROR from VxFS. VxFS returns VX_ODM_ENOMIRROR only if the inode is not part of a VxVM volume or if VxVM cannot resolve the mirror name or mirror number for some reason.

This error is returned in:

  • The vx_odm_name interface when the specified mirror does not exist for a file.
  • In the b_error field of the buffer if the I/O is targeted to a specific mirror that does not exist at the starting file offset for the I/O.


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Last Modified: 2009-09-29 22:55:04
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

Ensure that the mirror number defined for VX_ODM_ENOMIRROR is valid.