Error Code details
Severity: Error 
Component: Oracle Disk Manager 
Bad file number

This error message occurs when Oracle Disk Manager (ODM) encounters a stale file ID.


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2009-09-30 21:30:00
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

Run the debugging script named ktrace and provide the output to Veritas support.

To run ktrace:

  1. Enable ktrace by entering the following command:

    /opt/VRTSodm/sbin/sparcv9/ktrace -e 0xffffffff
  2. Perform the operation(s) that caused the error.
  3. Capture the ktrace output by entering the following command:

    /opt/VRTSodm/sbin/sparcv9/ktrace > ktrace.out
  4. To clear any data in the buffer (between failures), enter the following command:

    /opt/VRTSodm/sbin/sparcv9/ktrace –F
  5. Disable ktrace by entering the following command:

    /opt/VRTSodm/sbin/sparcv9/ktrace -d