Error Code details
Severity: Error 
Component: Volume Manager 
vold_pgr_register: %s: register failed:err:%d Make sure the disk supports SCSI-3 PR.

This message is displayed when nodes try to access to disks which do not support SCSI-3 operations. You can see this message during the node join, disk group import, or add disk operations.


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2012-11-20 22:31:32
Platform: Solaris 10 (SPARC), Solaris 10 (x86-64)
Release: 5.1SP1

To resolve the problem, do the following:

  1. Check if the disk supports SCSI-3 operations. Enter:

    # symdev -sid 1383 show device_name

    For example, the following command checks whether disk 1747 supports SCSI-3 operations or not. The output shows this disk does not support SCSI-3 operations:

    #   symdev -sid 1383 show 1747
    Device Configuration: RAID-5
    Device is WORM Enabled   : No
    Device is WORM Protected : No
    SCSI-3 Persistent Reserve: Disabled
    Dynamic Spare Invoked : No

  2. Configure disks to support SCSI-3 operation. Enter:

    #   symconfigure –cmd “set device device_name attribute=SCSI3_persist_reserv;” preview –nop
    #   symconfigure –cmd “set device device_name attribute=SCSI3_persist_reserv;” commit –nop

    For example, the following commands configure disk 1747 to support SCSI-3 operations.

    #   symconfigure –cmd “set device 1747 attribute=SCSI3_persist_reserv;” preview –nop
    #   symconfigure –cmd “set device 1747 attribute=SCSI3_persist_reserv;” commit –nop

    For more details, see: