Error Code details
Severity: Error 
Component: Volume Manager 
The text of this UMI varies depending on the context. For more information on each message, see the description below.

The following table shows where to find the description and solution for each message.

For this information on this message …

See …

dmp_process_buf: DB pointed to by ddl_devlist_head will not be processed

Solution 1

vol_max_siobuf_sz partially grown

Solution 2



Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2014-03-31 05:01:38
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

Description: This message is displayed because DDL(Device Discovery Layer) global database pointed by ddl_devlist_head is not yet formed.

Solution: No action is required.

Severity: Debug.

Solution 2 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2014-03-31 05:08:55
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic


vol_max_siobuf_sz indicates the Maximum memory, measured in kilobytes, that is allocated to SioPool and BufPool for doing internal logical I/O operations and disk buffer allocations in VxVM. When you try to change this tunable, VxVM tries to grow the Staged IO (SIO) and Kernel IO (KIO) pools both, but due to enough memory not available with the Operating System, one of the pools is not grown. The operation, however, does not fail and goes ahead in trying to grow the other pool.

Finally, if one grow operation fails while the other succeeds, the above error message is printed.



vol_max_siobuf_sz tunable tries to reserve system memory for SioPool and BufPool pools via an Operating System call. It fails in reserving memory for one of the pools as the Operating System has insufficient memory. Try to cross check the size you have provided and the size that is available via the vxmemstat command. Enter:

# vxmemstat

For detailed information on the vxmemstat command, see the VXTUNE (1M) manual page.


Note: This link points to the release 6.0.1, Linux platform version of the manual page. For the manual page for your release and platform, go to the Documents page on the SORT website.