Error Code details
Severity: Error 
Component: Volume Manager 
Usage: %s %s keyword arg ...

This message displays if you specify no arguments, invalid arguments, or incorrect keywords with the command.  This the most common help message issued by commands such as vxdg, vxdisk, vxedit, and so on. For example:


vxdisk -a
VxVM vxdisk ERROR V-5-1-693 Incorrect usage
VxVM vxdisk INFO V-5-1-1443
        Usage: vxdisk [-f] keyword arg ...
For detailed help use: vxdisk -H | help

VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-1-693 Incorrect usage
VxVM vxdg INFO V-5-1-1443
        Usage: vxdg  keyword arg ...
For detailed help use: vxdg -H | help


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Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2010-12-28 02:40:03
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

Run the command again using the -H option to get complete usage, recognized keywords, and the required number of arguments.