Error Code details
Severity: Error 
Component: Volume Manager 
This CLI option has been deprecated as DMP nolonger has dedicated daemon for path restoration. Please use 'vxdmpadm gettune' CLI to obtain details of DMP restore task

This error message is displayed when you run the vxdmpadm stat restored command. As the error message indicates, this CLI (Command Line Interface) has been deprecated. The previous CLI displayed the following information: 

  • The status of the automatic path restoration kernel thread
  • The Polling interval
  • The policy that it uses to check the condition of paths


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2015-08-12 01:55:56
Platform: Generic
Release: 6.0

As an alternative, you can get the same information using vxdmpadm gettune tunable_name CLI. For example:

# vxdmpadm gettune dmp_restore_state
Sample output:
# vxdmpadm gettune dmp_restore_state
            Tunable                Current Value  Default Value
------------------------------    -------------  -------------
dmp_restore_state          enabled          enabled

# vxdmpadm gettune dmp_restore_interval
Sample output:
# vxdmpadm gettune dmp_restore_interval
            Tunable                Current Value  Default Value
------------------------------    -------------  -------------
dmp_restore_interval       300              300

# vxdmpadm gettune dmp_restore_policy
Sample output:
# vxdmpadm gettune dmp_restore_policy         
            Tunable                Current Value  Default Value
------------------------------    -------------  -------------
dmp_restore_policy           check_disabled   check_disabled