Error Code details
Severity: Error 
Component: Volume Manager 
connresp: new client ID allocation failed for cvm nodeid %d with error(%d)

This message is displayed on the master node when:


  • The slave node’s Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) configuration daemon, vxconfigd, cannot connect to the master’s vxconfigd during slave join.
  • The slave node’s vxconfigd restarts.


Reasons for the error include:


  • The master and slave nodes have incompatible versions of the Cluster Volume Manager (CVM) protocol.
  • Memory allocation failed on the master node.


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2014-09-26 09:33:37
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

1. Make sure the master node and slave node are running the same version of the CVM protocol using the following command:


#vxdctl protocolversion


   If not, upgrade the protocol version to the highest version with the following command:


#vxdctl upgrade


2. If they are running the same CVM protocol version, and you still get this message, try to rejoin the slave node to cluster by running below command on slave node.


#/opt/VRTS/bin/vxclustadm –m gab –t startnode


   Check if the slave node has joined the cluster with the following command.


#/opt/VRTS/bin/vxclustadm nidmap