Error Code details
Severity: Error 
Component: Volume Manager 
Disk %s cannot be used for FSS DG creation: Disk not supported for FSS operations
'The specified disk is not supported by FSS. The message is displayed at the time of creation of the FSS disk group when the ''vxddladm checkfss'' command encounters a disk that is not supported by FSS. FSS supports the following disks : 1. Disks mentioned in the HCL. 2. Disks marked FSS compatible by the Tool/vx-cmd.(True/Complete SCSI3 disks) 3. Disks marked NOT compatible by the Tool/vx-cmd but customer adds JBOD definition for the disks.'


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2014-11-27 11:00:43
Platform: Generic
Release: 6.2
'Verify whether or not any of the disks are supported for FSS using the following command: # vxddladm checkfss If the disk is not supported, do not use it in the FSS disk group.'