Error Code details
Severity: n/a 
Component: Volume Manager 
Layout attributes for vxassist: Usage: vxassist keyword operands ... layout=layout-attr[,attr[,...]] stripe,nostripe Require that mirrors be striped (not striped). mirror,nomirror,raid5 Create a mirrored, unmirrored, or RAID-5 volume. stripe-mirror Create a striped and mirrored volume. stripe-mirror-sd Create a striped and mirrored volume. mirror-stripe Create a mirrored and striped volume. concat-mirror Create a concatened and mirrored volume. mirror-concat Create a mirrored and concatened volume. contig,nocontig Require that allocations be (not be) contiguous. span,nospan Allow (disallow) allocations from spanning disks. diskalign,nodiskalign Align (don't align) on disk tracks and cylinders. log,nolog Create (don't create) DRL log or RAID-5 log.


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