Error Code details
Severity: Warning 
Component: Volume Manager 
no transactions on slave

This message is displayed because the given node is a slave node and the transaction is not a master-initiated transaction for slave. For VxVM 4.1MP2 , 5.0MP1, 5.0MP3, and 5.1GA, the configuration change commands should be run on the master node, as any transaction gets initiated only on the master node. All the slave nodes then participate in the master-initiated transaction as the master directs. When a transaction is started clusterwide, the vxconfigd command checks if the given node is a slave node or a master node.


Veritas solutions
Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2013-09-13 06:18:48
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

For VxVM 4.1MP2, 5.0MP1, 5.0MP3, and 5.1GA, run the configuration change commands on the master node only.

For VxVM 5.1SP1 and later releases, the warning message is removed, so no solution is required.