Error Code details
Severity: Error 
Component: Volume Manager 
Rlink %s cannot be resumed unless state is currently PAUSE, RESUMING or PAUSING

If we try to resume the replication when the Rlink is not in one of the three states: PAUSE, RESUMING, or PAUSING, this message is displayed. 


The state PAUSE means that the Rlink is paused. 


The state RESUMING is a transient state, which means the resume command is issued, but the Rlink hasn't enter CONNECT state yet. 


The state PAUSING is also a transient state, which means the pause command is issued, but the Rlink hasn't enter PAUSE state yet. 


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Solution 1 Vote: [Useful] [Not useful]
Last Modified: 2013-06-18 06:50:11
Platform: Generic
Release: Generic

Make sure that Rlink is in one of the three states before running the resume command.